This may be a shock to some of you, but your team has lives. And those lives may at times actually not involve you… or the church! Musicians may have gigs. Media Team members may need a break. Your soundboard operator may want to see family or go hang out with friends. PEOPLE HAVE LIVES! And often, they would like to plan them.
Don’t take anyone for granted. Regardless of whether they are paid or not, these servants are doing YOU a favor. RESPECT THEM AND THEY WILL RESPECT YOU.
Lock in your worship team’s schedules as soon as possible, at least a month in advance. (Even earlier going into major cultural holidays.) Text them. Email them. Find out what days they’re out and schedule around them. Balance it out based on interest, level of commitment, and the needs of the worship team.
REMEMBER: People tend to TRAVEL your two biggest religious days of the year: Easter and Christmas. FIND OUT WHO IS GOING TO BE IN TOWN AND SCHEDULE THEM.
Scrambling around for 1 or 2 people ahead of a weekend is easier than booking an ENTIRE BAND.