May 13 Day 13
Yep. So… This was one of those “nothing really happened” days I mentioned back on May 1. My sleep was somewhat better, but I really did not want to get up this morning. I don’t know if it was the cold weather, the crazy weekend, or that I really hadn’t rested in days, but I just did not want to get out of bed. I made myself get up.
I got Mom out to pick up a few things and then get lunch. It was raining a little, but not too bad. I should have kept a closer eye on the time, because we hit the restaurant smack dab in the middle of their rush. We got our seat fine and service was great, though I’m very disappointed that Skyline swapped out my favorite cheesecake.

Once I got Mom home, I sat down at the piano for a bit. Nothing new or ground-breaking. It was a bit hard to concentrate, though I was able to clean up some music I was working on ahead of our Monday meetings.
There’s not too much I can tell you about Mosaic Monday meetings. We analyze and discuss the past Sunday service, what needs to be tweaked, and plan the next one. Okay, there are other things that get discussed, but that’s the basic gist of it. From my standpoint, we get a general idea of what direction the following Sunday’s message will go, and then the Supervillain Vocallo and I work out what worship is going to look like. There’s a bit of give and take depending on what all is going on or what personnel we have scheduled on the worship team.
And go figure… Just when I’m trying to publish this post, I discover to my shock that it wouldn’t show the picture. After an hour of beating my head, I went to check my email and found out that I had reached the data limit on my website. I went to my cpanel and found out that – dang – I was out of space! Apparently, while I was uploading pictures taken with my phone and scaling them down, it retained a copy of the original file. Now… I’m sure there was an easier way to do it. This, however, is not my specialty. I went in the backend and rescaled each one and eliminated the original file. The “guilty parties” were all uploaded since May 1, so it was easy to figure it out. I guess 50 MB does make a bit of difference.
All this so I could show a piece of cheesecake. But LOOK at it! It was every bit as delicious as it looks.
Too bad Skyline discontinued selling it.
All the best,